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Blueprint: A Study in Ephesians

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Pastor Steve invites us to walk the Grace Walk, not the Futile Walk. The Futile Walk is marked by living as the old self. The Worthy Walk means living as the new self. And The Grace Walk is that worthy walk of living in light of the cross.
Guest preacher Paul Martin looks at the first part of Ephesians 4 and highlights four crucial truths: 1) All of us are called to be growing in spiritual maturity. 2) The work of ministry belongs to all of us, not just the leaders. In fact, the job of the leaders in a church is to equip everyone to serve. 3) All of us need someone who is discipling us to help us grow as a follower of Jesus. 4) All of us are called to disciple someone and help that person grow as a follower of Jesus.
Pastor Steve looks at the prayer of Paul over the church in Ephesus... and over us today. In that prayer we see: God’s great plan of salvation fills us with his Spirit, fixes us in his love, and flows out of us in doxology.
The mystery of the gospel is that it is for all people, bringing with it both the riches of the inheritance in Christ and suffering. In this message, Pastor Steve looks at: 1) The posture of the mystery - a right view of oneself. 2) The people of the mystery - a gospel for all nations. 3) The proclaimers of the mystery - the place of the church. 4) The promise of the mystery - the invitation of Christ in both riches and suffering. 5) The priority of the mystery - the glory of God.
The two most beautiful words in the Bible: “But God.” Our salvation rests not in what we have done but in the work of God to intercede and redeem us. In our sin, we were: dead disobedient depraved doomed. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us...(Eph 2:4) Because God intervened to save us, we have a new status (alive in Christ) and a new identity (God's workmanship).
In our second message in Ephesians, we see that God is sovereignly in control and he is working all things for his glory and for our good. God's sovereign control is seen in that 1) Jesus is above all powers and rulers in this world. 2) Jesus is above the church. So we can rejoice that God is sovereignly in control because when he is (which is all the time), he receives the glory and he is working it for our good, even better than we could have ourselves!
The book of Ephesians serves as a beautiful blueprint for the new church he is making us into as New Creation Church. In this first message of the series, we see that: 1) Salvation is Triune - involving Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 2) God is the actor in salvation - it is he who initiates and accomplishes our salvation and we are the recipients of that saving work of God. 3) God deserves all the glory for our salvation.